Be it minority or majoritarianism, it is not good for the country, CAA will reduce the aggression of minorities.

Be it minority or majoritarianism, it is not good for the country, CAA will reduce the aggression of minorities.

After the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Bill, its notification has finally been issued after four years. It has been implemented at a time when the Model Code of Conduct can be implemented whenever the announcement for Lok Sabha elections is made. There is a lot of discussion going on regarding the timing of its implementation. Questions are constantly being raised by opposition parties regarding its timing. They are alleging that this step has been implemented to divert attention and take advantage of the Lok Sabha elections. However, BJP says that it is fulfilling its main issues and whatever promises it had made are being implemented one by one.

The decision is definitely politically motivated

Experts believe that today’s politics has started considering power as its end. Ready to adopt any means to achieve that end. It is true that if you do not have power then your politics has no value. It is said that power works like glue. If it is not there then no one remains ours. Obviously this is a political and electoral move of BJP. However, if we look at it, it is not right that the entire country should get its benefits completely. The reason for this is that this issue will not be effective in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh etc. In this law, there is talk of giving citizenship to people of six religions. Citizenship is to be given to people like Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian etc., who were persecuted in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan and fled from there. Their number is less in such states. Their numbers are in the border states. In which there are states like Rajasthan, Bengal, Punjab, Assam etc. The biggest claim is from West Bengal and Assam. People of Matua community in West Bengal have been demanding citizenship for years. This community has been with BJP since the 2019 elections. In 2019, BJP had also given its ticket to Shantanu Thakur during the elections and he is currently also a Union Minister. On this pretext, BJP has made a big mobilization in West Bengal.


Big issue for West Bengal and Assam

A big issue in West Bengal is that of foreigners who came illegally from Bangladesh and have been living in India for a long time. These are called Bengal in the local language. The population of Bengali people is more in West Bengal. He has a slightly aggressive attitude. Due to this, a lot of changes are seen in the politics there. Leaving aside the Muslim areas, the demography has changed a lot till Kolkata. There will be a mobilization regarding this and BJP will want to take advantage of it. On the other hand, there has been a controversy regarding the National Register of Citizens in Assam for a long time. In the 80s, there was a big movement by All Assam Student Union against infiltrators and immigrants. These steps were taken to remove infiltrators from Bangladesh. Because those people changed the demography in Cachar a lot. There has been a lot of opposition there too. For ten years, BJP is in full power in the state of Assam and at the Centre. In Assam too, the question was being raised as to when the National Register of Citizens would be implemented there.

Rajiv had promised in Assam

In the year 1985, during the time of the then PM Rajiv Gandhi, an agreement was reached between the All Assam Students Union (AASU) and the Centre, in which there was talk of including the people who came before March 25, 1971, in the civil register. After that there was talk of removing the people from there. In such a situation, this is a sensitive issue. In this way, the people there have a hope that the change in demography that has taken place will now change again and become the same as before. Experts believe that the entire politics of minorities (especially Muslims) across India or their voters has been based on convincing them. Sometimes SP, sometimes Congress and sometimes some other party becomes their contractor. Organizations formed in his name continue to make financial gains in his name. If seen, a frame has been set by binding the mentality of the minorities that so and so parties take care of the minorities. Manmohan Singh, when he was Prime Minister, had also given a statement that minorities have the first right on the country’s resources. In such a situation, there was political benefit. Because the majority was never mobilized, mostly only the minorities were mobilized. In such a situation, Samajwadi Party, Congress and leftists have been taking advantage of it. This has also been a factor in the fact that the government in West Bengal has been ruled by the Left for a long time. Because these people kept making voters from Bengal and kept giving them ration cards. In such a situation, there was mobilization among the minorities, but now after the coming of BJP government, it is being seen that there has been mobilization among the majority. This step is to make the majority stand with the minority. This is just politics.

BJP is completing its issues

BJP had three main things in the 2019 elections. In which the abolition of Article 370, Uniform Civil Code and the third was the case of Ram Mandir. Before the elections, BJP fulfilled all three promises. Article 370 is over, Ram temple has been built and steps have been taken in the direction of UCC. In 2014, BJP government came for good governance. The government completed the three issues of 2019. Now that CAA has been implemented before the elections, it has been done to take electoral advantage. If seen, after the implementation of this law, TMC, Left and Congress are opposing it the most. Obviously they seem to be suffering the most loss. Therefore, somewhere the opposition parties are opposing the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

Majoritarianism is an airy concept

There is no concept of majoritarianism in India. If there was a concept of majoritarianism, then in the first election of the country which was held in 1951-52, Hindu Mahasabha etc. should have got the maximum seats after Congress, but this did not happen. After Congress, Muslim League got the maximum seats. Majoritarianism flourished in this country due to excessive promotion of minorities. Majoritarianism stood in opposition to minorityism and developed. When we adopt any democracy, it means that everyone has equal rights, whether it is minorityism or majoritarianism. It is not right for any democratic process to advance either minorityism or majoritarianism. Minorityism had increased so much that majoritarianism is emerging or we are seeing so.

There will come a time when both the streams will be balanced because there are many enlightened people on both sides. Till date it has been seen that majoritarianism has never adopted an aggressive stance that the minority has to be killed and driven away. But it is still seen that if any religious procession of the majority takes place from the minority areas, it is attacked. The reverse does not happen, that is, no procession of Muslims is attacked in any majority area. So, when this aggression subsides, it seems that majoritarianism will calm down because the character of India has not always been majoritarian. If majoritarianism was in the genes and blood of this country then perhaps minorities would not have been able to stand in the country because like in Arab countries, people here too would have become Hindus. When Swami Vivekananda gave a speech in 1893, he had said that Parsis have been eliminated from the entire world but have survived in India because our culture is different from all others. So we can assume that CAA is a step to reduce the aggression of minorities.

[नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]

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